March 17, 2021

? F*ck you, pay me!

I am sure that almost everyone who decided to start their own business faced a client that is trying not to pay, so in the immortal words of Tom Cruise as Jerry Maguire: In my first company, my first invoice ever went unpaid. That’s how I started my business career […]
January 21, 2021

? “we” vs. “me” ?

Are you a one-person “studio for [insert your thing]”, or even worse you don’t even have a website, and you just send around your Europass CV?? Before you decide who your ideal client is, you have to decide who you are for your ideal client. Cool? Cool. If you are […]
January 21, 2021

Your ? value

If you want to be a type of professional people want to work with – you need to know what you are offering beyond just the skills of your trade. I’m sure you already know thins on some level – but saying it out loud and putting it in writing […]