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Lessons from a
6-figure freelancer:
Straightforward and no bullshit tips on improving your freelancing career through a weekly newsletter.

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The majority of Freelancers starting out share the same struggles, face the same challenges and have almost no one to turn to for help and guidance.
Yup – while it’s easy to quit your job and “start freelancing” (thanks, UpWork!), it’s harder than ever to stand out from the crowd and charge what you’re worth!
Most Freelancers have three primary obstacles to conquer:
- Finding (and keeping) Clients
- Getting better payments
- Having a quality work-life balance
That’s why I started Breaking Freelance – to be the mentor I never had and give answers to questions I could never ask.
I’ve built a career as a 6-figure remote freelance professional, worked with clients from all over the world all the while having an awesome work-life balance.
You can do that too!
Tom Kozacinski,
Sir Freelance-a-lot
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once a week and level-up your career and business!
As a 6-figure freelancer with over 15 years in the field, I've learned a lot of lessons (the hard way). Now I help people starting their career on their journey and share my experience and views on things around:
Getting Clients Productivity Remote Work Public Speaking Communication Project Management Personal Branding Community & Networking Negotiation Life Balance Critical Thinking $ Pricing & Money
+ My thoughts, links, books, lolz... you get the idea...
Subscribe for free & get 3 minutes of valuable (and funny) reading once a week and level-up your career and business!
As a 6-figure freelancer with over 15 years in the field, I've learned a lot of lessons (the hard way). Now I help people starting their career on their journey and share my experience and views on things around:
Getting Clients Productivity Remote Work Public Speaking Communication Project Management
Personal Branding Life Balance Negotiation Community & Networking Critical Thinking $ Pricing & Money
+ My thoughts, links, books, lolz... you get the idea...
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I can sure try. Find me anywhere online, and let me know what’s bothering you. Discord may be your best bet for this.
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